Monday, October 15

Break my hands

I feel like God is revealing to me that there are a lot of things I cling to and take comfort in. There are a lot of things I am afraid of that aren't right. Most the time recently I even feel motivated by the gospel, but always I feel like Paul in Romans 7, where I'm doing what I know is wrong and I'm doing want I don't want to do. Sometimes I see the satisfaction

1 comment:

jason said...

Hello Meg, my name is Jason this image of Jesus, Sacred Heart, is from a sculpture I restored for the Catholic church here in Portland, Or. I am pleased you found it on line. I enjoyed fixing this for the owner. Take a look at the rest of my site and feel free to use other images for posting. I suspect you are finding these from google images. I have a new piece, drawn for now, I believe on my current work page of a Mary image based upon a sculpture found in a 12th century church in france. She is very alive! Best wishes.